Thank you for supporting the Hallfield Residents' Association all those years. Your support means a lot to us and helps us represent you, gives power to your voice and aims to make Hallfield Estate a better place to live or own a property in.
If your membership has lapsed (many had renewed or registered in 2017) please renew your membership online, keep reading for details.
If you have never registered before and would like to register now, please do, provided you are at least 18 years old and live (council or private tenant) or own a flat on the Estate.
The easiest way to do this is by downloading, filling in the 2020 Membership Form and returning it to us on This way you do not have to pay for the nominal £1 membership fee and this will entitle you to a 3 year rolling membership with us.
Alternatively, you are more than welcome to join us in our meetings and renew your membership in person. Our meetings however have now been suspended due to the COVID-19 emergency.
You can open the Form on your web browser, fill in the fields, print and sign. You can email me back either a scan of the signed form or a photo taken with your mobile. If you use Microsoft Edge (browser), you can sign directly on the dedicated space by pressing simultaneously Shift+Control+M or select "Add Notes", then sign with your cursor and save the file. Then you can attach it on a response email to

We always give priority to our members' enquiries, keep them informed of our progress and raise burning issues on the Estate and we depend on their support to function properly. By renewing your membership, you will also continue to receive our newsletters and our Estate updates that may be of interest.
This year we are dealing (among other issues) with :
upcoming Major Works at Newbury, Marlow and Taunton Houses (Now on Hold)
tackling antisocial behaviour especially when caused by residents and their visitors
making our association stronger
establishing trust with Westminster City Council
restructuring our association
If you would like to contribute, please do let us know and we will be happy to have you on our team. Thank you for your support.