COVID-19: Lockdown
Stay alert
We can all help control the virus if we all stay alert. This means you must:
stay at home as much as possible
work from home if you can
limit contact with other people
keep your distance from people not in your household (2 metres apart where possible)
wash your hands regularly
Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.
When on Hallfield Estate please:
Do not use lifts with people from other households.
Reduce residential noise as much as possible.
Be open to offer help to any neighbours who may need it.
Be alert to cases of domestic abuse as they are on the increase.
Be vigilant in cases of crime, drug trafficking and antisocial behaviour. CCTV is in operation on the Estate.
If you are in a flat on Hallfield Estate and need help please contact us at:
or directly the COVID-19 Mutual Aid at:
or on 02081237839
Also on Facebook:
The HRA Support Group

Working Together
Hallfield Residents Association is a broad-based membership association founded in 1951.
The Hallfield Residents' Association consists of volunteers who are residents and/or leaseholders across the Hallfield Estate within the local authority area of the City of Westminster in London, UK.
The HRA is a non-party political association promoting equal opportunities and social welfare for the benefit of our members.
We currently have a record membership of 412 out of 680 flats and we aim to reach even higher levels this year.
Represent the majority view of our members
Improving housing and other services in the area of the HRA
Provide regular information to all members
Provide support for residents on the complaints process
Build a partnership and improve communication between landlord and members
Work along with our service provider (Westminster City Council) to obtain value for money, clarity, transparency and probity in accounts.
We currently represent 412 out of 680 flats in the Hallfield Estate, which is the highest representation the Association has ever had. Our goal in 2021 is to take the membership to new record highs.
This way the members' voice is ever even more powerful and we can all better serve together our common interests.
Our record levels of membership are particularly important at this current moment when residents and leaseholders face huge bill payments from Westminster City Council (CityWest Homes before April 2019) for poorly delivered major works by Mulalley and Company Limited under the R106 Contract and new major works bills under the V115 Contract delivered by Axis. The majority of the rest of the residents and leaseholders are particularly concerned about any upcoming major works in their buildings which were initially supposed to have finished in the whole Estate in 2012!
So come and join us, either at our 6 weekly meetings at Pickering Hall, Hallfield Estate or by filling in and returning the Membership request form online to (please click right below).
Your voice is stronger with us!